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Fight in ballet studio - Amanda vs Jane - 94 Images

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Amanda is starting her dance education in a ballet studio, wearing black body, ballet skirt and pantyhose. Beautiful Jane is her teacher, in skin-tight black leotard, shiny skin-colored pantyhose and ballet flats. Jane is really unhappy about Amanda's training progress, but Amanda has a different opinion about that. The ballet training session escalates into "down-and-dirty" fight with plenty of punching, kicking, wrestling holds, chokeholds and choking with a skirt, grappling, elbow and knee attacks. Especially groin kicks and belly punches are favorite techniques in this no-rules brawl in the ballet studio. Who will have the upper hand in this battle, check it out.


3504x2336 pixels (zipped file - 64 MB)

TOTAL PICS IN SET - 94 images



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