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Workout struggle - Sabrina, Laura, Stella - 109 Images

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This excellent one-against-two image set features our three fitness beauties - Sabrina, Laura and Stella, in which Laura and Stella get hammered by Sabrina. They start out with working out exercises in front of a brick wall, but Stella is unhappy with the results and immediately the down-and-dirty catfight inflames. As soon as the brawl starts, Sabrina fully controls the situation, pounding both girls into gelatin. Hitting sensitive areas are the rule here, especially kicks are the main weapon of destruction. Laura and Stella are completely trapped by Sabrina and their bodies are left open to attack. Fantastic well choreographed one-against-two catfight in skin-tight spandex gymnastic outfits, ballet flats and very hot fitness women.


3504x2336 pixels (ZIPPED FILE)

TOTAL PICS IN SET - 109 images



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