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2-on-1 aerobic fight - Vera, Jillian, Darcy - 144 Images

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Stressed aerobic instructor Vera takes on her two trainees – Jillian and Darcy. They start out with dancing exercises in front of a brick wall, but Vera is unhappy with the results and immediately the uncontrolled catfight inflames. These three top athletes in sexy and skin-tight fitting aerobic outfits collide as a fight erupts with lots of punching, kicking, knee attacks as well as two-on-one action. Dirty tricks in the fight and hitting vulnerable areas are the rule here. Vera punched through the fight and knocked out both rivals, as she believes she is safe, both opponents take a revenge, slugging Vera into unconsciousness. Fans of 2-on-1 battles and hot spandex gymnastic outfits will surely want this image set.


3504x2336 pixels (zipped file - 86 MB)

TOTAL PICS IN SET - 144 images



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