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Coming home - Lexxi vs Renee - 107 Images

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Renne is waiting for Lexxi in her villa, wearing skin tight mini dress and over knee boots, but Lexxi is late and Renee is not happy about this. As Lexxi passes the villa’s gate with the car, you already can feel the tension. Their arguing about who is late turns into a wild catfight around a car. It is really amazing to watch how these two gorgeous ladies in tight summer dresses doing their best to pain the other into submission: breast punching and grabbing, face punching, knees to the crotch attacks, choke holds and just catfighting around the car, using the vehicle to place each other into a favourable position for nasty beating!


3504x2336 pixels (zipped file - 65 MB)

TOTAL PICS IN SET - 107 images



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