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Outdoor wrestling - Lexxi vs Renee - 115 Images

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It's a sunny day and two gorgeous wrestlers in their best shape ever meet each other by the swimming pool to demonstrate their wrestling skills. Lexxi and Renee are wearing skin-tight leotards and the hot sun is beautiful reflected on their stretchy fabric. Blanca is a referee in this match. Hold after hold is applied by both wrestlers and first one woman and then the other has the upper hand during the battle. Blanca gives the points to each fighter after successful hold. You will see holds like legbars, abdominal stretch holds, armbars and leg- and armlocks, and combinations of body scissors with arm breaker holds along with some good old fashion wrestling and grappling moves. The match is intense with neither woman giving way to her opponent. This fight ends with the winner who received more points as the other. Without any question, this fight is for wrestling fans, gorgeous females and beautiful outdoor sunny location!


3504x2336 pixels (zipped file - 95 MB)

TOTAL PICS IN SET - 115 images



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