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Wrestling match - Renee vs Tina - 90 Images

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Wrestling match between our beautiful fighters - Renee and Tina. Renee dressed in string lycra gymnastic leotard, shiny skin-colored pantyhose and ballet flats. Tina is wearing black wrestling suit, yellow leotard, legwarmers and flats. This image set features your favorite wrestling moves like: arm twisting, arm breaker holds, full nelson hold, chinlocks, underarm chokeholds, body and neck scissorholds, neckholds, armbars and many more. The match goes dirty as Renee kicks Tina below the belt, sending her opponent to the knees. Tina counterattacks in the same manner and now both ladies on the ground holding their vulnerable areas. The fight ends with both women agreed for revenge.


3504x2336 pixels (zipped file - 73 MB)

TOTAL PICS IN SET - 90 images



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