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NHB Fight - Laura vs Lexxi - 65 Images

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No-holds-barred struggle and wrestling match in an outdoor setting, what a great combination and if you are a fan of either you will love this image set. Laura and Lexxi, both in shirts and shorts, are ready to show you both of these great fighting elements. They start out by the swimming pool promptly attacking each other. You will see holds like legbars, armbars and leg- and armlocks, and combinations of body scissors with arm breaker holds along with some good old fashion wrestling and grappling moves. The match is intense with neither woman giving way to her opponent. This struggle ends with a dirty crotch stomp! Without any question, this fight is for wrestling fans, gorgeous females and beautiful outdoor sunny location!


3504x2336 pixels (zipped file - 48 MB)

TOTAL PICS IN SET - 65 images



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