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Clash in GYM - Blanca vs Tina - 105 Images

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Beautiful Blanca and gorgeous Tina, both in bikini bottoms, fitness tops and legwarmers, join the step aerobic class and they hold nothing back. The assault begins with great variety of devestating attacks to the most sensitive areas on each other's lovely bodies. During the fierce fight both fitness beauties use wrestling holds, especially knee and leglocks, chinlocks, painful knee hits to the face, belly kicking, knee attacks between the legs, punching, crotch kicking, stomping and even face kicks, concentrating all their might to gain the upper hand. If you want real expressions and great fighting action do not miss this one. Exciting from start to finish!


3504x2336 pixels (zipped file - 50 MB)

TOTAL PICS IN SET - 105 images



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