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Yoga struggle - Jillian vs Sabrina - 110 Images

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Another fantastic no-holds-barred fight in gymnastic lycra outfits and ballet flats. Jillian is the hottest fitness model takes on beautiful Sabrina on the rocky beach in an outdoor setting. Both of these women have incrediable bodies, highlighted by tight fitting outfits and the action they offer will make you scream as you watch them slug, kick and wrestle to make the other suffer. The fight starts off as both fitness models were doing yoga exercises in the morning. There is plenty of great wrestling holds in stand and on the ground, punching and kicking, lots of them applied to sensitive areas, these two go at it to see whom the better fitness woman really is in this great must have no-holds-barred encounter.


3504x2336 pixels (zipped file)

TOTAL PICS IN SET - 110 images



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