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Heroine's escape - Vera, Maya. Ellen, Tess, Jillian - HD Video - 8:14

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We are proud to present the next part of a special interest and full choreographed private-commissioned struggle with 5 girls. This scripted fight features beautiful heroine Vera, dressed in heroine costume and four enemies – Ellen, Maya, Tess and Jillian, who captured our heroine. As in our early parts, the fight between these five women - differently than expected - is full scripted and choreographed, combined with punching sounds and background music. To the story – Our heroine has been captured by the four guards and four-against-one beating begins. At first, each girl has a chance to punch and kick our heroine, but the things changed soon and you will be able to watch the full power of the heroine as she fights against four opponents at the same time. Fantastic scripted fighting movie with great sound effects, wonderful action scenes and five gorgeous women. If you liked our previous releases, then this one must in your collection!


720p HD FORMAT: [ 1280 X 720 ]

VIDEO Duration - 8 min. 14 sec.



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