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Duel in GYM - Darcy, Renee, Sabrina - 91 Images

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Are you ready for three gorgeous hard bodied duelists who hold nothing back? For those of you that like fantasy sword and rapier fighting - here is it again. This 2-on-1 fencing fight brings to you – Darcy who will duel it out with beautiful – Renee and Sabrina. All these three fitness beauties dress spandex leotards, gymnatic leggings and high heels. The duel starts immediately with all dualists cross the weapons. There is no mercy in this duel, these gorgeous ladies attacked at whatever sensitive parts of their bodies, and it made no difference for them to thrust the swords into opponent's breast or right in the belly button, because only victory counts! Amazing fencing action, dramatically face expressions, unique sword attacks, professional hair-style and make-up by all women will make you want to watch this image set over and over again, just to make sure you didn't miss anything. If you like swords and rapiers, this is the set for you!


3504x2336 pixels (ZIPPED FILE)

TOTAL PICS IN SET - 91 images



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