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Bikini fencing duel - Maya vs Tess - 79 Images

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Bikini rapier fecning duel in the rocks between our beautiful women - Tess and Maya. Long-legged Maya, in pink bikni takes on her young rival Tess, in light-blue jungle bikini. If you already watched our early fencing duels, you know the hard and furious action. Both combatants are quick with their rapiers and vast in their knowledge of the places where to hit. These duelling women display their quickness with a series of well-placed rapier thrusts - breast, belly and below the belt attacks are demonstrated in the fight. Fantastic fencing action, dramatically face expressions, well-placed attacks, perfect location and surprised end for one woman!


3504x2336 pixels (zipped file - 81 MB)

TOTAL PICS IN SET - 79 images



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