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Fight in the darkness - Sabrina vs Claire - 135 Images

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Two magnificent looking ladies Claire and Sabrina, in gymnastic leotards, black fishnet pantyhoses and ballet flats, who really know how to catfight and love to mix it up. An intense and fast-paced catfight rages in black dark studio, as each woman try to take the advantage from each situation. They punch, high and low kick, sent knees between the opponent's legs, wrestle and use all kinds of catfighting tactics in their arsenal. This is an all out mutual slugging and wrestling match as these two fitness women are putting on a great show - both these girls are out to prove who is the roughest, using holds and slugs to a ultimate finish. One super rough down-and-dirty struggle between Sabrina and Claire!


3504x2336 pixels (zipped file - 63 MB)

TOTAL PICS IN SET - 135 images



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